Tuesday, 3rd November 2009 :
At 10 o'clock, School Canteen...
Min Sze, Wei Thing, Li Jean, Ai Leen, Yee Lin, Nicole and I started discussing about the sketch, the logbook, the souvenirs, the cooking, and the budgets & items to purchase for various competitions. We then started rehearsing on our sketch. We ended the meeting when the school bell rang and we went our separate ways.
Wednesday, 4th November 2009 :
Same time, same place...
Same people, different things.
We discussed about the outfits for the performances, and also the fancy dress dress. Of course, we joked around a little to brighten up the dull, rainy day. Sadly, the joked had to stopped because school started. =(
Thursday, 5th November 2009 :
Although Li Jean and Ai Leen couldn't make it, the meeting must go on. So as usual, we discussed about camp. Apparently, it's the only thing that's interesting to talk about as us CGLians have finished our exams. We managed to settle the plannings for the fancy dress and the sketch.
With a little more hard work, our work will be all done, and it will be time to freak out about Selection Day... then... CAMP!
Signing off,

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