Monday, 23 November 2009
Okay. To those who understand as to why the title has a question mark and an exclamation mark, I ran out of ideas for the title, so yeah. =)
Anyways, today's meeting was held at Zara's place instead of mine (that's the little change I was talking about). Told you it was little. Okay back to the meeting. So today, the two head-chefs were suppose to cook for us Dryads to test their skill for the mordern cooking competition. But unfortunately, our dear Nicole couldn't make it due to transport problems. So I stepped in and took her place... for the moment. The attendees for today were Zara, Min Sze, Ai Leen and JoJo.

Early Christmas wish from the Saunders family. =)
At 9, Zara's mum fetched us both to the market to get our ingredients for our feast. Our hands were covered with chicken-water so we couldn't take pictures. After the marketing, we hopped over to a shop to get our breakfast. We then walked back to Zara's house.
Once we reached home, we got started. We cleaned the vegetables and the chicken and we prepared whatever that was needed for the feast.
Today's menu...
1. Willy the Chicken
2. Po Tong Steam Fried Rice
3. JuHu-less JuHu Cha
4. 100 Plus with Ice
Let's get started shall we. =)

Sengkuang.Carrot.Cabbage.Tumeric.Ginger.Herbs.Belacan.Bunga something...
(let's call it the Laksa Flower)


Me 'softening' the belacan

Cabbage galour!

Mixture of daun gaduk, mint leaves and basil leaves
For us to start frying the fried rice, we need to cook the rice first. So while we waited, I choreo a little part of the dance.

The two things needed for the dance. My iPod and Zara's souns system.


Looking... looking...
Soon, Min Sze arrived. And, the rice was cooked. So let the mess begin!
Checking on the rice

Preparing the pots

Me beating an egg

Zara and I doing who-knows-what

Me cutting the mushrooms. Ignore the way i cut it.

Zara beating the same egg. ==

Doesn't it all look colourful?
Me stirring the rice

The boss taking over
It started of with Zara and I seasoning the chicken.

Then Zara wanted to try frying one first, just to be on the safe side. So in goes Willy.
Then Zara started stabbing poor Willy... the already dead chicken.

Feeling guilty for killing Willy? I think not.

Because after that, she cut up poor Willy.

Back to seasoning...
5 minutes later, we took a bow...

Then the war started!

Then, Zara shouted "LOOK! My chicken has eyes!" out of the blue.

In my opinion, it looks more like a pig's nostrils.

Welcome to Restaurant Siau-Siau.


Our oh-so-hungry head chef.

Our photographer.
Soon, JoJo the critic came at 3.

When Ai Leen made her appearence, we started on the dance again. But we soon got really tired. So we sat down and did the sketch. It was 5 when we decided we deserved a well-deserved rest and played some board games. Meeting ended at 7 when everyone went home. Well, I think the post is long enough. X)
Signing off,

Photographs by,
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