Monday, 16th November 2009
Since camp is around the corner, us guides decided to be a little more hardworking. With that, a few guides came to my house after school. Those few guides were Nicole and Yee Lin.
Zara and I weren't going to school, so we started the meeting first. After lunch, Zara came over to my place and we started on the menu. Zara gave ideas while I sketched out a rough copy of the menu.

Anyway, we continued planning our fancy dress and souvenirs.
Later on, after dinner and when the others came, we started on the souvenir. But just to be on the safe side, and not waste any of our valueable materials, we experimented on my calculator. It's time to spray paint! X)
Zara laying out the newspaper while Nicole, Yee Lin and I set the other equipments up.
Shake shake shake... spray spray spray...
After spraying, we left it to dry. Meanwhile...
We played with the dog.
But soon, we became impatient... and all four of us had itchy hands. So we went inside to grab something to help increase the rate of drying.
It's way faster than the small one earlier.
The time flew by quickly and soon, all of them went back home. After cleaning up, I decided to continue with the logbook... until now. =) Stay tuned for more updates as we are having meetings every night at my house.
Signing off,
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