Yes, I'm here to update... again. X)
After the visit to Ai Leen's, I went over to Zara's house. We managed to finish 2 things today. *applaude* So I'm going to let the pictures tell the stories if that's OK. =)





Yes. We baked cookies! BUT... I will not reveal what it is for. It will be a surprise. Maybe it won't even appear in camp. =)
Later on, Zara came over my house to work on the souvenirs. Pictures... talk away!
Later on, Zara came over my house to work on the souvenirs. Pictures... talk away!
Newspaper to protect the grass.
Chairs for the two grandmas at work.
Laying the pots.
Just to let you know, the pot is only painted. It is not the complete product. Please wait for camp to see the final results. =) I hope everyone's patrol/unit's progress is coming on very well.
Signing off,

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