I'm here for a short post about what Zara & I did for today. Since the two of us aren't going to school on Thurday and we live near each other, Zara decided to sleepover at my place and get started on things.
But before that, we went to Kamdar to get our fancy dress materials after school. We searched and searched for the perfect cloth texture and colour that suits our model. At around 9.45, we finally got the perfect cloth.
Back at my house, Zara and I started on the dress. At the same time, we did the name tags. We decided to stop fiddling with the dress at around 12.30 and concentrate on the name tag. We wrapped things up for the night (or day if you prefer) at 1.30.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
After lunch, we continued with the name tags. But we soon went material shopping for the souvenirs. Unfortunately, we were out of luck. At both stops, they ran out of the items. =(
But we didn't let that take down our hyper-ness. We continued the name tags for about an hour or so, then we gave ourselves a break and went for a swim.
Zara had to leave after that, so I carried on with the name tags after my dinner. And it is finished! =) Next assignment, gadget tags. So stay tune.
P.S... Sorry for the picture-less post, but I didn't have my camera with me.
Signing off,

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